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Posts categorized under Public Health Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Human Interests

Promoting Public Health

Promoting Public Health is one of Seattle Human Services’ (HSD) six key impact areas. Our vision: All people living in Seattle experience moderate to optimum health conditions. And, across the board, we strive to ensure that people of color do not experience disparities. During the month of September, we will… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Awards for Youth Behavioral Health Services

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the Youth and Young Adult Behavioral Health RFP which closed May 16, 2022, releasing $938,841 of HSD General Fund dollars for organizations to provide behavioral health support to young people. Funding of these services was last released… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Awards to Organizations Interested in Food Equity for Seattle Preschool Programs

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the 2022 Farm to Table Support Services RFP which closed May 5, 2022. HSD originally released $839,815—a total of $766,158 in Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) funding and $73,657 in City of Seattle General Fund—seeking proposals from organizations and farmers interested in food equity in Seattle Preschool Programs serving low-income children and families. An additional $60,951 of SBT funding allocated toward Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during COVID-19 is being proposed to be reprogrammed to this RFP. Therefore, the total proposed amount for this RFP is now $900,766. The Farm to Table Support Services RFP was the result of a year of community engagement with families, children, and preschool staff. The RFP invests in healthy, local, sustainable, culturally relevant food access and education and has two program components: nutrition education and Farm to Family Food Bags.

HSD is Seeking Applications to Provide Nursing Services

The Aging and Disability Services (ADS) division of the City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD), the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Seattle-King County, is seeking applications in response to a Nursing Services request for qualifications (RFQ). This Nursing Services RFQ is focused on responding to referrals within specified timeframes for nursing services that include file reviews, nurse consultant home visits, telephone calls, care coordination, and follow-up. Up to $165,755 in Federal/State Title XIX Funds is available through this RFQ. HSD intends to fund a maximum of two proposals. Initial awards will be made for the period of October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. While it is the City’s intention to renew agreements resulting from this funding opportunity on an annual basis through the 2023 program year, future funding will be contingent upon performance and funding availability.

HSD Announces Funding Opportunity to Provide Behavioral Health Support to Young People

The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from organizations to provide behavioral health support to young people. Eligible services through this Request for Proposals (RFP) include non-residential behavioral health support through clinical treatment and/or non-clinical, culturally specific approaches. Organizations must… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Farm to Table Support Services Funding Opportunity

*Updated April 19, 2022 The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from organizations and farmers interested in food equity for Seattle Preschool Programs serving low-income children and families. This Farm to Table Support Services RFP invests in healthy, local, sustainable, culturally… [ Keep reading ]

Looking Back at 2021 as We Look Forward to 2022

Our Mission to connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work, and take part in strong, healthy communities continued to hold a greater sense of urgency in 2021. Over this past year, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) continued to be… [ Keep reading ]

ICYMI: City of Seattle Provides 9,392 Cash Assistance Grants to Income-Eligible Families through the Seattle Relief Fund

Additional 3,300 Seattle immigrant and refugees received cash assistance Last week, the City of Seattle in partnership with several nonprofit organizations announced that it has provided 5,257 individuals and 4,135 households with direct cash assistance through its Seattle Relief Fund. This fund was created to support vulnerable income-eligible Seattle residents… [ Keep reading ]

ICYMI: City of Seattle launches $16 million Seattle Relief Fund to help low-income residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

The City of Seattle launched a new Seattle Relief Fund – a $16 million lifeline to help low-income residents who have been disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes households that were unable to access state unemployment, had no health insurance, didn’t receive federal stimulus payments, or experienced housing instability or mental health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This new fund builds on $6.5 million distributed to low-income immigrants and community-based organizations already with Seattle Rescue Funds. Award amounts are between $1,000 and $3,000 depending on household size. The fund is open to all eligible Seattle residents regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. Eligible applicants must be 18 years old or older, have incomes under 50 percent of Seattle’s area median income (less than $40,500 for an individual or $57,850 for a family of four),

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

For DV Awareness Month, the Seattle Great Wheel, Columbia Center Tower, and Lumen Field will go purple on Thursday, October 21, 2021 for #PugetSoundPurpleThursday. Please join us in raising awareness of domestic violence by wearing purple NEXT THURSDAY, and share your photo on social media with the hashtag. Include in your photo a sign stating why you are wearing purple on this day.