The City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) recently issued its 2023 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) related to the following investments:
- Family Support Services
- Farm to Preschool Program Coordination & Food Procurement
- Food Systems
- Congregate Meals for Older Adults
- Home Delivered Meals
- Multicultural Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Services
- Culturally Nourishing Foods for Older Adults
- Older Adult Legal Services
This notice provides an overview of HSD’s impending funding opportunities for 2023 with a brief description of the service areas for each opportunity, anticipated funding amounts, release dates, and contract start dates. Once finalized, HSD will issue detailed funding opportunities for each investment.
HSD invests in services that connect people with resources and solutions in times of need so we can all live, learn, work, and take part in strong, healthy communities. Guided by HSD’s Theory of Change, funding opportunities will include both population level and racial disparity data and will outline the desired results of the investment. In 2023, HSD will include new questions focused on a) language access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and b) program and service accessibility for individuals for whom English is a second language.
HSD emphasizes the importance of equity by engaging with communities who have been disproportionately impacted by systems of oppression and/or are underserved, such as communities of color, limited English speakers, LGBTQ, persons with disabilities, seniors, and low-income individuals and families. HSD recognizes reducing racial and social disparities may require organizations to collaborate and develop a shared strategy to serve our diverse populations. HSD is particularly interested in partnerships that are co-designed and formalized through subcontract arrangements. Partnerships should reflect an equitable division of funding, a focus on strengthening the capacity of partners, a commitment to collecting and using data, and the leveraging of investments by other public or private organizations committed to the project. Any application outlining a partnership will require partner agency signature and may require a memorandum of understanding between agencies.
In the event of budget additions through Mayoral or City Council budget appropriations, HSD may elect to modify existing contracts until such contracts require a new funding process, or HSD may develop a new funding opportunity to expend the additional funds. HSD recommends parties interested in applying for HSD funds review the Department’s Funding Opportunities Webpage regularly and subscribe to the HSD Funding Opportunities email list.