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Posts categorized under Safe Communities Archives - Human Interests

Community Corner—Organization for Prostitution Survivors

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post was written by Rekina Perry, Executive Director of the Organization for Prostitution Survivors…. [ Keep reading ]

Taking a Unified Stand Against Human Trafficking

The City of Seattle joins the nation in recognizing January as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Established in 2010, this observance affirms our ongoing commitment to protecting the freedom and equality of all individuals and strengthens our efforts to root out human trafficking in all its forms. Human Trafficking is defined… [ Keep reading ]

Preparing for an Emergency Food Response Before Disaster Strikes

How City of Seattle and food partners are improving food response post-COVID Imagine a catastrophic earthquake three days ago along our offshore fault line. Shaking in the Seattle area lasted as long as six minutes. Damage to infrastructure across the region is significant with many stretches of highway inaccessible or… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Judith Panlasigui

Judith Panlasigui is currently the Manager for the Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, a unit within the Safe and Thriving Communities Division. She has been a part of that team at Seattle Human Services for 6 years. What is your role at Seattle Human Services? I serve… [ Keep reading ]

Community Corner—Chief Seattle Club

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post was written by Chief Seattle Club. What is the role your organization fulfills… [ Keep reading ]

Community Corner—CISC

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post was written by CISC. What is the role your organization fulfills in your… [ Keep reading ]

The City of Seattle Announces Investments in Gender-Based Violence Prevention Services

Awards prioritize prevention within vulnerable youth and marginalized communities The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of its 2024 Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Services RFP which closed on May 31, 2024. The RFP releases $487,560 in General funding for proposals that will implement programming to… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Recognizes October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month”

**Cross-posted with the Office of the Mayor Mayor Bruce Harrell and members of the City Council joined together on Tuesday to issue a proclamation recognizing the month of October as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Seattle” and Thursday, October 17, 2024, as “Purple Thursday.” On a typical day in 2023,… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Jill Watson

Jill Watson is an Emergency Management Strategic Advisor for the Seattle Human Services Department. She has worked at Seattle Human Services for 16 years in the same position. What is your role at Seattle Human Services? I am the Emergency Management Strategic Advisor for the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD)…. [ Keep reading ]

Community Corner—Atlantic Street Center

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post highlights Atlantic Street Center. What is the role your organization fulfills in your… [ Keep reading ]