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Posts categorized under Youth Success Archives - Page 3 of 9 - Human Interests

HSD Announces Funding Opportunity for Program Coordination and Food Procurement for the Seattle Farm to Preschool Program

The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from agencies interested in program coordination and food procurement for the Seattle Farm to Preschool Program (formerly known as Seattle Farm to Table). This 2023 Seattle Farm to Preschool Program Coordination and Food Procurement… [ Keep reading ]

Fostering a Sense of Belonging For BIPOC Youth

Imagine a space of belonging, transformation, liberation, and learning… At Geeking Out Kids of Color (GOKiC), we work to cultivate this space for BIPOC youth through technology education created by us, for us. Our mission at GOKiC is the liberation of BIPOC youth by creating decolonized tech education and providing… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Releases 2023 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

The City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) recently issued its 2023 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). This notice provides an overview of HSD’s impending funding opportunities for 2023 with a brief description of the service areas for each opportunity, anticipated funding amounts, release dates, and contract start dates. Once finalized, HSD will issue detailed funding opportunities for each investment.

HSD Announces Funding Awards for Gender-Based Violence Survivor Services

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) and its Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (MODVSA) are pleased to announce the results of the comprehensive Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Survivor Services RFP. The results informed the investment of approximately $10,908,306 in HSD General Fund dollars towards 25 providers providing services under the umbrella of GBV which includes domestic violence (DV), sexual assault (SA), and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

HSD Announces Over $4.5 million in Awards to Expand Child Care Access

Awards will support the creation of 311 new child care slots citywide through the expansion or renovation of facilities. **Updated 10/18/2022 to add additional quote from The Children’s Center at Burke Gilman Gardens and a map showing locations of awarded proposals Today, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) announced awards… [ Keep reading ]

Recognizing Some of Our Partners in Working to End Gender-Based Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). It is a time to remember victims/survivors of abuse and exploitation, to raise awareness of violence and its effect on families and communities, and a time to acknowledge and highlight those working to address ending gender-based violence. “Kay,” “Elle,” and “Emmi” are just… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Awards for Youth Behavioral Health Services

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the Youth and Young Adult Behavioral Health RFP which closed May 16, 2022, releasing $938,841 of HSD General Fund dollars for organizations to provide behavioral health support to young people. Funding of these services was last released… [ Keep reading ]

SYEP Applications Open now for Fall!

Foundations and Pathways Program application is open now and will close at 3 PM on Friday, September 23, 2022. The Foundations and Pathways program is a new, redesign of our previous Learn and Earn program, where participants received 1:1 support and weekly cohort-based sessions on pre-employment soft skills. Our new… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Awards to Organizations Interested in Food Equity for Seattle Preschool Programs

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the 2022 Farm to Table Support Services RFP which closed May 5, 2022. HSD originally released $839,815—a total of $766,158 in Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) funding and $73,657 in City of Seattle General Fund—seeking proposals from organizations and farmers interested in food equity in Seattle Preschool Programs serving low-income children and families. An additional $60,951 of SBT funding allocated toward Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during COVID-19 is being proposed to be reprogrammed to this RFP. Therefore, the total proposed amount for this RFP is now $900,766. The Farm to Table Support Services RFP was the result of a year of community engagement with families, children, and preschool staff. The RFP invests in healthy, local, sustainable, culturally relevant food access and education and has two program components: nutrition education and Farm to Family Food Bags.

Tiny Tots Development Center Celebrates Opening of New Childcare Facility in Othello

Seattle’s Human Services Department (HSD) supported the project with a $1.5 million award through its Child Care Bonus Program and, combined with $900,000 in capital funding from the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), these investments will support the creation 80 new childcare slots. Yesterday, Tiny Tots Development Center… [ Keep reading ]