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Posts categorized under Youth Success Archives - Page 4 of 9 - Human Interests

HSD Announces Availability of Funding to Increase Licensed Capacity in Preschool and Child Care Facilities Across the City of Seattle

**Updated June 23, 2022 to reflect an amendment to the funding availability The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the availability of up to $5,000,000 of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery (CLFR) Funds and up to $1,000,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to increase licensed capacity… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Opportunity to Provide Behavioral Health Support to Young People

The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from organizations to provide behavioral health support to young people. Eligible services through this Request for Proposals (RFP) include non-residential behavioral health support through clinical treatment and/or non-clinical, culturally specific approaches. Organizations must… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Farm to Table Support Services Funding Opportunity

*Updated April 19, 2022 The Youth and Family Empowerment (YFE) Division of the City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from organizations and farmers interested in food equity for Seattle Preschool Programs serving low-income children and families. This Farm to Table Support Services RFP invests in healthy, local, sustainable, culturally… [ Keep reading ]

Support Survivors of Violence

The Human Services Department would like your help! HSD’s Safe and Thriving Communities Division is seeking help recruiting community volunteers to become trained support advocates to victims of domestic violence and other crimes. Victim Support Team (VST) volunteers offer support to survivors in a unique time of need, and their commitment and impact make this program a vital part of the City’s response to violence. 

HSD Announces Funding Awards to Address Reentry Services and Rerooting Programming

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the Supportive Reentry RFP which closed November 5, 2021. Last year, thanks to the recommendations of the Equitable Communities Initiative Task Force, $1,383,000 in City of Seattle General Fund was allocated to funding culturally appropriate reentry services and rerooting… [ Keep reading ]

Looking Back at 2021 as We Look Forward to 2022

Our Mission to connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work, and take part in strong, healthy communities continued to hold a greater sense of urgency in 2021. Over this past year, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) continued to be… [ Keep reading ]

ICYMI: City of Seattle Provides 9,392 Cash Assistance Grants to Income-Eligible Families through the Seattle Relief Fund

Additional 3,300 Seattle immigrant and refugees received cash assistance Last week, the City of Seattle in partnership with several nonprofit organizations announced that it has provided 5,257 individuals and 4,135 households with direct cash assistance through its Seattle Relief Fund. This fund was created to support vulnerable income-eligible Seattle residents… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Releases 2022 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

The City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to issue its 2022 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) related to the following investments: Farm to Table Support Services Youth and Young Adult Behavioral Health Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Victim Services Batterer Intervention Services Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Legal Services This notice… [ Keep reading ]

ICYMI: City of Seattle launches $16 million Seattle Relief Fund to help low-income residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

The City of Seattle launched a new Seattle Relief Fund – a $16 million lifeline to help low-income residents who have been disproportionally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes households that were unable to access state unemployment, had no health insurance, didn’t receive federal stimulus payments, or experienced housing instability or mental health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This new fund builds on $6.5 million distributed to low-income immigrants and community-based organizations already with Seattle Rescue Funds. Award amounts are between $1,000 and $3,000 depending on household size. The fund is open to all eligible Seattle residents regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. Eligible applicants must be 18 years old or older, have incomes under 50 percent of Seattle’s area median income (less than $40,500 for an individual or $57,850 for a family of four),

HSD Announces Supportive Reentry RFP Funding Opportunity

The Safe and Thriving Communities (STC) Division of the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is seeking applications from community-based organizations to support currently and formerly incarcerated individuals to gain knowledge, skills, and support; connect or reconnect with cultural roots and supportive communities; and to obtain long term, living wage employment in order to transition successfully from incarceration and into the community. and institutions that may lead to economic and social progress. “Rerooting” refers to the process of connecting people back to their cultural roots and communities. Since much of incarceration is about isolating people, a process of rerooting is necessary to ground people despite the systemic barriers that still exist. For all individuals returning from incarceration, being part of strong and connected communities provides accountability and supports their ability to thrive. This is an open and competitive process. For more information, and all RFP materials, please visit HSD’s Funding Opportunities web page: Completed application packets are due by 12:00 p.m., Noon on Friday, November 5, 2020.