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Posts tagged with Mayor's Council on African American Elders Archives - Human Interests

HSD Employee Spotlight—Karen Winston

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? As a senior planner in the Aging and Disability Services division of Seattle Human Services, I’m responsible for coordinating development of the Area Plan—our roadmap as the Area Agency on Aging for Seattle and King County—as required by the federal Older Americans… [ Keep reading ]

2021 African American Caregivers Forum: Caregiving Around the Clock

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Irene Stewart – The Legacy of Love African American Caregiver Forum—an annual event during National Family Caregivers Month—is a unique, culturally focused event that draws family caregivers from throughout the Pacific Northwest. The 2021 African American Caregiver Forum will occur online on Saturday, November 13, from… [ Keep reading ]

Grandparents: Love, Culture & History

Sunday, Sept. 12, is National Grandparents Day—honoring the roles that grandparents play in nurturing and stabilizing families. In 1978, Congress passed legislation that earmarked the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. The day recognizes that, throughout history, grandparents have played significant roles in families. It is a day to recognize, educate, and celebrate the important contributions grandparents have made throughout history. This year marks the third annual local Grandparents Day celebration hosted by the Mayor’s Council on African American Elders and Northwest African American Museum (NAAM). Co-sponsors include AARP Seattle, Age Friendly Seattle, Aging and Disability Services, Seattle Human Services Department (HSD), Nu Black Arts West Theatre, and The Evergreen State College/Tacoma. “Grandparents: Love, Culture & History” will be offered virtually (online) from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. and feature a short program and entertainment. Everyone is welcome, free of charge. To receive the event link, register at

Legacy of Love: A Virtual Forum for African American Caregivers and Others

Are you a caregiver? If so, you are welcome to join Legacy of Love, an online forum on Saturday, Nov. 14, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. While focused on African American caregivers, the event is open to anyone who provides special care for an elder.

COVID-19 & Seattle Human Services’ Mission: To connect people with resources and solutions during times of need

Despite the impacts of the COVID-19 public health crisis, the City of Seattle’s Human Services Department continues to live out its mission: To connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work, and take part in strong, healthy communities. The work the department does has changed dramatically, with many employees stepping up to meet new challenges, volunteering, and working long hours. Here is a recap of what the team has been up to.