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Notice of First KCRHA Governing Board Meeting 

The King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) will hold its first Governing Board meeting on: Thursday, December 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.atSeattle City Hall (600 4th Avenue, Room 370) The meeting is open to the public and will also be accessible via Zoom. This meeting will focus on… [ Keep reading ]

Community Corner—Chief Seattle Club

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post was written by Chief Seattle Club. What is the role your organization fulfills… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Releases Its 2024 Street-Based Outreach Services for Unsheltered Individuals Request For Qualification (RFQ) 

Today, the Human Services Department released a funding process which invests $6.2 million in neighborhood and population-specific outreach services. Using a team-based model, successful applicants will support individuals living unsheltered with navigating and accessing shelter, stable housing and other needed assistance to meet each individual’s unique needs. HSD is seeking… [ Keep reading ]

Community Corner—Mary’s Place

Community Corner highlights the work of Seattle Human Services’ community partners in their own words. Our goal is to gather stories and photos that illustrate their amazing work on behalf of the people of Seattle. This post highlights Mary’s Place. What is the role your organization fulfills in your community?… [ Keep reading ]

Final Draft 2023 Annual Action Plan is Released!

The City of Seattle announces the release of the Final Draft 2023 Annual Action Plan (AAP) to the 2018-2023 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. The Final Draft 2023 AAP includes proposed guidance for the allocation of an estimated $20.2 million of federal grant and program revenue funds [approximately… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Human Services Releases 2022 Annual Report

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to share our just-released 2022 Annual Report with you, highlighting some of the incredible work we accomplished—together with our City and community partners. “In 2022, we successfully executed a return-to-work plan for staff, enabling us to better serve our community in-person while… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Announces Funding Awards for Gender-Based Violence Survivor Services

The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) and its Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (MODVSA) are pleased to announce the results of the comprehensive Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Survivor Services RFP. The results informed the investment of approximately $10,908,306 in HSD General Fund dollars towards 25 providers providing services under the umbrella of GBV which includes domestic violence (DV), sexual assault (SA), and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).

HSD Announces Availability of Funding to Establish a Seattle-based Coordinated Regional Network of Services for Victims and Survivors of Gender-based Violence

HSD’s Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (MODVSA) is seeking applications from agencies interested in providing survivor-centered, gender-based violence victim services for the diverse communities and geographic areas of Seattle. The purpose of this RFP is to establish a Seattle-based coordinated regional network of services under the umbrella of gender-based violence (GBV) for survivors of interpersonal violence including domestic violence (DV), sexual assault (SA), and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). Approximately $10,908,306.00 in HSD General Fund is available through this RFP. HSD intends to fund approximately 30-40 proposals. Initial awards will be made for January 1, 2023-December 31, 2023; and up to a period of four years (2023-2026).

Looking Back at 2021 as We Look Forward to 2022

Our Mission to connect people with resources and solutions during times of need so we can all live, learn, work, and take part in strong, healthy communities continued to hold a greater sense of urgency in 2021. Over this past year, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) continued to be… [ Keep reading ]

RECAP: HSD and partners facilitated 2,116 overnight stays at severe weather shelters during record-breaking cold, snow

Over the course of a nine-day severe weather shelter activation that ended January 3 in response to prolonged cold temperatures and snowy conditions, the Seattle Human Services Department (HSD), in partnership with service providers, the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA), volunteers, and City departments, provided a total of 2,116 overnight stays across six emergency shelters for people experiencing homelessness. At their peak capacity, the shelters at Exhibition Hall at Seattle Center, Compass Housing Alliance, City Hall, Seattle Mennonite Church, God’s Little Acre, and American Legion Post 160 of West Seattle, could provide up to 379 shelter spaces per night, serving adults of all genders. The activation, which began on December 25, provided 283 overnight guests protection from the elements during its highest point of usage on the night of December 30. “For almost two years, the impacts from COVID-19 have put incredible strain on our human service providers. Despite these compounding challenges, HSD staff, contracted providers, other community organizations, the KCRHA, and City employees, came together to quickly stand up and operate six emergency shelters to keep hundreds of people safe and warm during an extended stretch of extreme winter weather,” said Acting Director Tanya Kim. “I want to thank both Mayor Durkan and Mayor Harrell for their leadership, the Office of Emergency Management for their collaboration, Seattle Parks and Recreation and Finance and Administrative Services for directly supporting the shelters, and all those who played a part in supporting our most vulnerable during their time of need.”