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HSD Employee Spotlight—Rachel Alder

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? As a Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist in the Aging and Disability Services (ADS) division, I hold many Medicaid contracts and several non-Medicaid contracts. What made you want to work in human services? I love humans and I am intensely curious about… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Jeff Sakuma

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? I work in the Aging and Disability Services (ADS) division. My role, as I see it, is divided into three functions: How has your job changed in recent years? My job has changed in two main ways. There is a growing focus… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Milica Veselinović

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? My current role at HSD is to provide policy and technical advice and support for HSD contracts units across the divisions and to support the implementation of the new contract management system and process improvements to contracting. What made you want to… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Sucdi Mohamed

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? I am a Registered Nurse Consultant in the Aging and Disability Services division of Seattle Human Services. Aging and Disability Services provides long-term in-home services to older people and adults with disabilities in our communities in King County. As a Registered Nurse… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Karen Valle

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? As a Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist in the Safe and Thriving Communities Division and Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault unit, I oversee contracts related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and commercial sexual exploitation. I provide technical assistance to… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Alison Forsyth

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? I currently work as a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate for the City of Seattle, with a focus on underserved populations, specifically cold case sexual assaults, immigrants, and unhoused survivors of sexual violence. I provide advocacy and resources to victims of felony sexual… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Natalie Thomson

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? As a Planning Manager in the Youth and Family Empowerment Division of Seattle Human Services, I’m responsible for the investment of millions of dollars in food banks, meals, child nutrition, farm to table-nutrition education, Fresh Bucks To Go, community connectors, and the… [ Keep reading ]

HSD Employee Spotlight—Karen Winston

What is your role at Seattle Human Services? As a senior planner in the Aging and Disability Services division of Seattle Human Services, I’m responsible for coordinating development of the Area Plan—our roadmap as the Area Agency on Aging for Seattle and King County—as required by the federal Older Americans… [ Keep reading ]