The Seattle Human Services Department (HSD) is pleased to announce the results of the 2024 Community Living Connections Request for Qualifications (RFQ), a step towards our commitment to the well-being of older adults, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers. Nearly $5 million will be disbursed through our Aging and Disability Services (ADS) division, thanks to funding from the Older Americans Act, Senior Citizens Services Act, State Family Caregiver, Seattle General Fund, and Title XIX Medicaid Administrative Claiming.
No Wrong Door Network
Community Living Connections is a program that streamlines access to programs and services for adults 60 or older, adults 18 or older with disabilities, and unpaid caregivers in King County. This initiative simplifies the search for resources, ensuring accurate, timely, culturally appropriate information reaches everyone. Simply put, people seeking services can contact any service provider and receive confidential support to access the information they need.
Why Use Community Living Connections?
- Personalized Advocacy: When community members reach out, they are connected to an advocate who not only provides referrals to available resources but also can connect them with an appropriate service provider.
- Flexible Support Options: Understanding the diverse needs of the community, support is available over the phone, in-person, virtually, or via other electronic methods to meet participant ability and preferences.
- Serving the Most Vulnerable: Some programs will focus on individuals and communities with the greatest social and economic need—including Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities; LGBTQ+; immigrants and refugees; people experiencing homelessness; people with sensory, developmental, and intellectual disabilities; and individuals and caregivers affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
- Regional Coordination: A key part of this program is the collaboration of regional coordinators and service providers, creating a robust network that includes healthcare, libraries, emergency services, housing, and community centers. These connections ensure that people have access to the services they need.
2024 Community Living Connections Awardees
After a rigorous review process by a diverse committee experienced in program activities, service to focus populations, and knowledge of participant needs, 19 applicants will receive funding. Contracts will begin January 1, 2025, with eligibility for annual renewal through 2028.
Awarded organizations have shown an unwavering commitment to fostering a community where aging and disability services are navigated with dignity and support. The organizations receiving funding include:
- African Americans Reach & Teach Health Ministry
- African Community & Housing Development
- Alzheimer’s Association
- Asian Counseling & Referral Service
- Catholic Community Services of Western Washington – African American Elders Program
- Chinese Information and Service Center
- Crisis Connections
- DeafBlind Service Center
- Generations Aging with Pride
- Hearing Speech and Deaf Center
- Hopelink
- Jewish Family Service
- Kin On Health Care Center
- Lifelong: Health for All
- Neighborhood House
- Open Doors for Multicultural Families
- Pike Market Senior Center & Food Bank
- SeaMar Community Health Centers
- Sound Generations
How You Can Connect
Are you or someone you know facing challenges related to aging or disability? Community Living Connections is ready to help, call 206-962-8467 or toll-free: 1-844-348-KING (1-844-348-5464). For more information about Community Living Connections, visit CommunityLivingConnections.org.