The Seattle Human Services Department is pleased to present Age Friendly Seattle’s 2020 Annual Report, highlighting accomplishments from the past year.
In addition, please read Age Friendly Seattle program manager Brent Butler’s article in the March issue of AgeWise, the monthly e-zine published by the Seattle-King County Advisory Council on Aging & Disability Services, “Age Friendly Seattle Increases Access and Inclusion Despite COVID.”
I appreciate the contributions from so many staff across City departments, including those who participated in Age Friendly Seattle’s online Civic Coffee Hours and their newest series, Close to Home:
- Department of Neighborhoods
- Finance and Administrative Services/Customer Service Bureau
- Office of Emergency Management
- Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs
- Office of Labor Standards
- Seattle Parks and Recreation
- Public Health — Seattle & King County
- Seattle Department of Human Resources
- Seattle Information Technology
- Seattle Public Library
- Seattle Public Utilities
All told, through live attendees and video-recordings, these programs reached 6,440 views last year, including immigrants and refugees who were able to use in-language auto-captioning. Visit the Aging King County YouTube channel to watch captioned videos of these programs and more!
Special thanks to Age Friendly Seattle for excellent work, and our Aging and Disability Services division for assembling the report.
Helen Howell, Interim Department Director