**Updated 5/6/2020 with translations
For many communities facing food insecurity, COVID-19 has made a challenging situation even more difficult with meal and food bank programs impacted by the crisis. A number of food banks have reduced hours or their volunteers are not able to come in to help like they did before. Other programs face shortages of food resources.
The City of Seattle is committed to meeting this community need. The Seattle Human Services Department and Office of Sustainability and Environment have been working to find ways to ensure these important food programs can continue to operate during this time of great need in communities across Seattle.
![A member of the Washington Air National Guard opens a crate of canned food at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-954-193x300.jpg)
In recent weeks, the City has been working with the National Guard—which can deploy hundreds of servicemembers to help work at food banks and deliver supplies—and service providers to meet this growing need in Seattle and surrounding communities. These servicemembers are often deployed to natural disasters to offer a helping hand. The National Guard is doing just that in Seattle by stepping up to fill in the gaps in our food network. (The City is not directly managing the deployment of the National Guard servicepeople and the support they are providing to food banks was upon request of the service providers).
Food Lifeline, who partners with both Northwest Harvest and Second Harvest organizations, has received the assistance of 252 National Guard members in the past week in its 160,000 square foot distribution center, located in SODO. And starting the week of April 27, the National Guard have been present at 10 food banks, including Solid Ground, a key anti-hunger partner that supports the Seattle Food Bank Network. The National Guard has also assisted in serving meals at Edible Hope at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church near Ballard Commons since April 29. Here is a list of the additional food banks assisted by the National Guard:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
Placements will continue through May 29, 2020. For more information on food bank locations and operating hours, please visit our Food Resource Interactive Map.
Need more information?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
Si vio a personas con uniformes militares alrededor de Seattle la semana pasada, podrían ser miembros de la U.S. National Guard (Guardia Nacional de EE. UU.), que están aquí para ayudar a nuestros bancos de alimentos.
En las últimas semanas, 252 miembros de la U.S. National Guard han estado trabajando en centros de distribución de alimentos, sirviendo comida y ayudando a los bancos de alimentos de toda la ciudad. Debido al impacto del COVID-19, varios bancos de alimentos experimentaron escasez de suministros, redujeron el horario de atención o se enfrentaron a la falta de voluntarios debido al distanciamiento social. Esta situación ha sido difícil para los miembros de la comunidad que dependen de los servicios de esos bancos.
Para ayudar a abordar estos desafíos, la ciudad conectó a la U.S. National Guard con los proveedores de servicios para ayudar con la dotación de personal y la entrega de suministros. Los militares en servicio de la U.S. National Guard (Guardia Nacional de EE. UU.) están ayudando a Food Lifeline, que trabaja en conjunto con Northwest Harvest y Second Harvest a fin de operar su centro de distribución de 160 000 pies cuadrados (14 700 metros cuadrados); atendiendo 10 bancos de alimentos, incluyendo Solid Ground y sirviendo comidas en Edible Hope at St. Lukes en Ballard Commons. Esta es una lista de los bancos de alimentos adicionales a los cuales la National Guard proporcionó asistencia esta semana:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
Los militares en servicio de la U.S. National Guard estarán aquí hasta el viernes, 29 de mayo. Si los ve, agradézcales por su servicio de ayudar a nuestros vecinos que se enfrentan a una inseguridad alimentaria.
Para obtener más información sobre las ubicaciones de los bancos de alimentos y los horarios de atención, visite el mapa interactivo de recursos alimentarios.
¿Necesita más información?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
Nếu quý vị nhìn thấy những người mặc quân phục quanh Seattle trong tuần qua, họ có thể là U.S. National Guard (Vệ Binh Quốc Gia Hoa Kỳ). Và họ có mặt ở đây để giúp các ngân hàng thực phẩm (food banks) của chúng ta!
Trong các tuần gần đây, 252 thành viên của U.S. National Guard đã làm việc ở các trung tâm phân phát thực phẩm, phục vụ đồ ăn và hỗ trợ các ngân hàng thực phẩm tại nhiều địa điểm trên toàn thành phố. Do tác động của COVID-19, một số ngân hàng thực phẩm đã phải đối mặt với sự thiếu hụt thực phẩm, giảm giờ phục vụ hay thiếu sự hỗ trợ của tình nguyện viên do giãn cách xã hội. Tình hình này gây nhiều khó khăn cho các thành viên cộng đồng phụ thuộc vào dịch vụ của họ.
Để giúp giải quyết những khó khăn đó, thành phố Seattle đã kết nối U.S. National Guard với các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ để giúp bố trí nhân lực và giao đồ tiếp liệu. Các thành viên của U.S. National Guard đang giúp Food Lifeline, là đối tác của cả Northwest Harvest và Second Harvest, vận hành trung tâm phân phát rộng 160,000 foot vuông của họ, bố trí nhân lực ở 10 ngân hàng thực phẩm (xem danh sách dưới đây) và phục vụ các bữa ăn tại Edible Hope at St. Lukes ở Ballard Commons. Sau đây là danh sách các ngân hàng thực phẩm bổ sung được National Guard hỗ trợ trong tuần này:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
Các thành viên của U.S. National Guard sẽ có mặt tại đây cho đến hết Thứ Sáu, ngày 29 tháng 5. Nếu quý vị thấy họ, hãy cảm ơn họ vì đã giúp đỡ những người hàng xóm đang phải đối mặt với tình trạng mất an ninh lương thực của chúng ta.
Để biết thêm thông tin về các địa điểm ngân hàng thực phẩm và giờ hoạt động, hãy truy cập Bản Đồ Tương Tác Nguồn Thực Phẩm.
Quý vị cần thêm thông tin?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
如果您在過去一週曾在西雅圖各地見過穿軍裝的軍人,這些人可能隸屬是 U.S. National Guard(美國國民警衛隊)的人員。他們出現在這裡是為我們的食物銀行提供幫助!
最近幾週,有 252 名 U.S. National Guard(美國國民警衛隊)成員一直在食物配送中心工作,提供食物,並為西雅圖全市各地點的食物銀行提供支援。由於受到 COVID-19 的影響,有幾家食物銀行面臨過食物短缺,工作時間縮短,或者因保持社交距離而缺乏志願者支援。這種情況對於依賴食物銀行服務的社區成員來說十分困難。
為了幫助應對這些挑戰,市政府連結了 U.S. National Guard(美國國民警衛隊)與服務提供者,為人員配備和供應品配送方面提供幫助。U.S. National Guard(美國國民警衛隊)服役人員正在幫助 Food Lifeline,此機構與 Northwest Harvest 和 Second Harvest 均有合作,它有佔地 160,000 平方英尺的配送中心,為 10 個食物銀行, 包括Solid Ground, 配備工作人員(參閱下方列表),並在 Ballard Commons 內的 Edible Hope at St. Lukes 提供餐食。以下為本週 National Guard(國民警衛隊)提供援助的其他食物銀行清單:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
U.S. National Guard(美國國民警衛隊)服役人員于 5 月 29 日週五之前都會留在這裏爲社區服務。如果您見到他們,請感謝他們為社區食物供应保障所提供的服務。
如需食物銀行地點和營業時間方面的更多資訊,請造訪 Food Resource Interactive Map (食物資源互動式地圖)。
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
如果您在过去一周曾在西雅图各地见过穿军装的军人,这些人可能隶属是 U.S. National Guard(美国国民警卫队)的人员。他们出现在这里是为我们的食物银行提供帮助!
最近几周,有 252 名 U.S. National Guard(美国国民警卫队)成员一直在食物配送中心工作,提供食物,并为西雅图全市各地点的食物银行提供支援。由于受到 COVID-19 的影响,有几家食物银行面临过食物短缺,工作时间缩短,或者因保持社交距离而缺乏志愿者支援。这种情况对于依赖食物银行服务的社区成员来说十分困难。
为了帮助应对这些挑战,市政府连结了 U.S. National Guard(美国国民警卫队)与服务提供者,为人员配备和供应品配送方面提供帮助。 U.S. National Guard(美国国民警卫队)服役人员正在帮助Food Lifeline,此机构与Northwest Harvest 和Second Harvest 均有合作,它有占地 160,000 平方英尺的配送中心,为 10 个食物银行, 包括Solid Ground, 配备工作人员(参阅下方列表),并在 Ballard Commons 内的 Edible Hope at St. Lukes 提供餐食。以下为本周 National Guard(国民警卫队)提供援助的其他食物银行清单:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
U.S. National Guard(美国国民警卫队)服役人员于 5 月 29 日周五之前都会留在这里为社区服务。如果您见到他们,请感谢他们为社区食物供应保障所提供的服务。
如需食物银行地点和营业时间方面的更多资讯,请造访 Food Resource Interactive Map (食物资源互动式地图)。
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
지난주 시애틀 곳곳에서 군복을 착용한 군요원을 본 적이 있다면 미국 주 방위군일 수 있습니다. 이분들은 시애틀의 푸드 뱅크에 도움의 손길을 주고자 이곳에 모였습니다!
최근 몇 주 동안 252명의 미국 주 방위군은 식품 유통 센터에서 일하고, 식료품을 제공하며, 시애틀 시 전역에서 푸드 뱅크를 지원하고 있습니다. COVID-19의 여파로 인해 여러 푸드 뱅크가 식료품 부족 사태에 직면하거나, 운영 시간을 축소하거나, 사회적 거리두기로 인해 자원 봉사자의 손길이 역부족인 상태를 겪어 왔습니다. 이러한 상황은 푸드 뱅크 서비스에 의존하는 지역사회 구성원들에게 힘든 시간이었습니다.
시애틀 시는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 미국 주 방위군과 서비스 제공업체를 연결해 인력 배치 및 공급품 전달을 지원했습니다. 미국 주 방위군 요원들은 Northwest Harvest(노스웨스트 하비스트) 및 Second Harvest(세컨드 하비스트) 양측과 제휴한 Food Lifeline(푸드 라이프라인)이 16만 스퀘어피트(약 15000제곱미터)의 유통 센터를 운영하도록 지원하며, Solid Ground를 포함한 푸드 뱅크 10곳(아래 목록 참조)에 인력을 배치하고, Ballard Commons(발라드 커먼스) 내 Edible Hope at St. Lukes에서 식사를 대접하고 있습니다. 이번 주 주 방위군에서 지원한 추가 푸드 뱅크 목록은 다음과 같습니다.
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
미국 주 방위군 요원은 5월 29일 금요일까지 시애틀에 상주할 예정입니다. 군요원을 보시면 식량 부족을 겪고 있는 우리 이웃에게 도움의 손길을 제공하는 이 분들의 노고에 감사의 인사를 전해 주십시오.
푸드 뱅크 위치 및 운영 시간에 대한 자세한 사항은 Food Resource Interactive Map(식료품 지원처 대화형 지도)을 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.
추가 정보가 필요하신가요?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
Haddii aad aragtay dad qaba direeska ciidamada oo jooga aagaga Seattle asbuucaan lasoo dhaafay, waxay noqon karaan U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka). Waxayna halkaan u joogaan inay caawiyaan kaydadkeena cuntada!
Asbuucyadii lasoo dhaafay, 252 xubnood oo kamid ah U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka) ayaa ka shaqaynaayay xarumaha cuntada qaybiya, ayagoo bixinaayay cuntada, taageero siinayana bakhaarada cuntada ee ku yaalo daafaha Magaalada. Sabab la xariirta saamaynta cudurka COVID-19, tiro badan oo kaydadka cuntada ah waxaa ku yaraatay cuntada, waxay yareeyeen saacadahooda shaqada, ama waxay waayeen taageerada dadka iska wax u qabso kushaqeeya sabab la xariirta amarka kala fogaanshaha dadka. Xaalada ayaa ahayd mid ku adag xubnaha bulshada ee ku tiirsanaa adeegyadooda.
Si wax looga qabto xaaladahaan, magaalada ayaa la xariirtay U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka) si ay ugu caawiyaan adeeg bixiyaal gacan ka gaysta shaqaalaha iyo bixinta cuntada. Xubnaha ciidanka U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka) ayaa gacan siinaaya Food Lifeline, oo iskaashi la leh labadaba Northwest Harvest iyo Second Harvest, si ay u maamulaan xarunteeda cunto qaybinta ee 160,000 ee iskuweer ah, ayagoo shaqaale u noqonaaya 10 xarumood oo cuntooyin qaybinaaya (liiska hoose arag), cuntooyina ka qaybinaaya aagaga Edible Hope at St. Lukes oo ka shaqaysa Ballard Commons. Halkaan waxaad ka helaysaa liiska kaydadka cuntada ee dheeraadka ah ee ay gurmadka siinayaan ciidanka U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka) asbuucaan:
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
Xubnaha ciidanka U.S. National Guard (Ilaalada Qaranka Maraykanka) ayaa shaqadaan sii wadi doona illaa Jimcada, Maayo 29. Haddii aad aragto, uga mahad celi adeegooda ay ku caawinayaan dariskeena wajahaaya cunto yarida.
Wixii xog dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan goobaha cuntooyinka lagu qaybinaayo iyo saacadaha ay shaqaynayaan, fadlan booqo Food Resource Interactive Map (Qariirada Baraha Cuntada Laga bixinaayo).
Ma u baahan tahay Macluumaad dheeri ah?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov
ባለፈው ሳምንት በSeattle አካባቢ ሰዎች የወታደራዊ ደንብ ልብስ ለብሰው ካዩ፣ የU.S. National Guard (ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብሔራዊ ጥበቃ)ሊሆን ይችላል። እነሱ የምግብ ባንኮቻችንን ለመርዳት በዚህ አሉ!
በቅርብ ሳምንታት፣ 252 የ U.S. National Guard (ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብሔራዊ ጥበቃ) አባላት ምግብ በሚያከፋፍሉ ማዕከላት፣ ምግብ የማቅረብ፣ እና የምግብ ባንኮችን የመደገፍ ስራ በከተማው ሁሉ እየሰሩ ነበር። በ COVID-19 ተጽዕኖ የተነሳ በርካታ የምግብ ባንኮች የምግብ እጥረት፣ የስራ ሰዓታቸው መቀነስ፣ ወይም በማህበራዊ ርቀት ምክንያት የበጎ ፈቃደኞች የድጋፍ እጥረት አጋጥሟቸዋል። ይህ ሁኔታ በእነዚህ አገልግሎቶች ላይ ለሚደገፉ የማህበረሰቡ አባላት አስቸጋሪ ሆኗል።
እነዚህን ተግዳሮቶች ለመቀልበስ እንዲረዳ፣ ከተማው U.S. National Guard (ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብሔራዊ ጥበቃ) በሰራተኛ እና አቅራቦት በማድረስ ለመርዳት ከአገልግሎት አቅራቢዎች ጋር አገናኝቷል። U.S. National Guard (ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብሔራዊ ጥበቃ) የአገልግሎት አባላት Food Lifeline ከሁለቱም Northwest Harvest እና Second Harvest ጋር በጥምረት እየረዱ ነው ፣ , የ160,000 ስኩዌር ጫማ ማዕከሉን ለማንቀሳቀስ፣ 10 የምግብ ባንኮችን ሰራተኛ ማቅረብ ፣ Solid Ground ጭምር፣ እና በ Ballard Commons Edible Hope at St. Lukes ውስጥ ምግቦችን ማቅረብ። በዚህ ሳምንት በብሔራዊ ጥበቃ የሚታገዙ ተጨማሪ የምግብ ባንኮች ዝርዝር ይኸው፦
![Members of the Washington Air National Guard closes an emergency food box packed at the Food Lifeline temporary site in Seattle, Wash. on April 21, 2020. Members of the Washington Air and Army National Guard are supporting food banks around the state during the COVID-19 pandemic response. (U.S. National Guard photo by Joseph Siemandel)](https://humaninterests.seattlemulti.wpengine.com//wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2020/04/200421-D-MN117-004-223x300.jpg)
- Byrd Barr Place
- St. Vincent de Paul Georgetown
- White Center Food Bank
- Queen Anne Food Bank
- Salvation Army – Capitol Hill
- Ballard Food Bank
- West Seattle Food Bank
- Puget Sound Labor Agency
- U District Food Bank
- Solid Ground
የ U.S. National Guard (ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ብሔራዊ ጥበቃ) አገልግሎት አባላት እስከ አርብ ሜይ 29 ድረስ እዚህ ይኖራሉ። ካያችኋቸው ጎረቤቶቻችን ለሚጋፈጡት የ ምግብ ደህንነት አለመጽናት የሚሰጡት ድጋፍ ያመስግኗቸው።
ስለምግብ ባንክ ቦታዎች እና ስራ ሰዓቶች የበለጠ መረጃ, እባክዎን ይህንን ይጎብኙ Food Resource Interactive Map (የምግብ ሃብት ግንኙነት ካርታ)።
የበለጠ መረጃ ይፈልጋሉ?
- National Guard – Joseph Siemandel, (253) 512-8989
- Food Lifeline – Chris Nishiwaki, chrisn@foodlifeline.org
- City of Seattle Human Services Department – HSDCovidInfo@Seattle.gov