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Celebrate Older Americans Month 2019: Connect, Create, Contribute!

Happy May Day!

Older American Month Infographic
Click on the image above to download a PDF version.

This day holds a lot of meaning, from celebration of Spring through flowery Maypole dances to recognition of International Workers’ Day. For me, it’s also the first day of Older Americans Month, a time to celebrate the contributions of older people in our communities nationwide.

Older Americans Month is an annual event that dates back to 1963, when President John F. Kennedy designated May as Senior Citizens Month. The current name and theme are sanctioned by the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This year’s theme is Connect, Create, Contribute.

Ensuring that people throughout King County can age in place with a focus on improved physical and mental health is a primary body of work for this department and a central result that the department is driving. Visit the Older Americans Month page on the Aging King County website. You’ll see links to logos and social media badges, plus a May calendar of events. Look for information in the May issue of AgeWise King County, too.

Ageism runs rampant in our community and most communities. Celebrating the older people in our midst and talking about their lives—past, present, and future—helps to fight ageism. We know that aging is about living. We know that everyone lives their best life when they stay active and involved with other people.

This month, whether you acknowledge Older Americans Month or not, please look for opportunities to celebrate older people who are connected, creative contributors to their families and communities.